No Fears, No Chains – An interview with Vanesa Pizzuto
Vanesa Pizzuto is a freelance journalist and broadcaster based in Watford, United Kingdom. Her latest book, No Fears, No Chains, is a daily devotional for women seeking to live with freedom and emotional abundance. In an interview with her, Vanesa shares her writing journey and why dreaming big is the best way to honour God.
“What led you to write a devotional book for women?”
I wanted to write a book that talked about who we are, not just what we do. Often articles and books for women focus too heavily on our roles as wives, mothers, or professionals. In my experience, however, this can fuel performance anxiety and insecurity. But what if we had nothing to prove? How would we live if our relationship status, our parenting skills or our professional accomplishments were not the barometer of our worth as women? No Fears, No Chains is an invitation to live from a place of emotional abundance, reclaiming our identity as legitimate and deeply loved daughters of God.
What are some of the chains that hold women back?
There are a thousand different things that could hold us back… But I think it all boils down to identity. One of the best tricks of the enemy is to whisper in our ears, “You are adopted and if you don’t behave, you will be sent back to the orphanage.” When we accept this false identity, when we travel through life with this fake passport, our emotional energy is wasted trying prove our worth and to win the approval of others. Living like this is not only completely exhausting, but it also makes us look at other women with suspicion and resentment. If we are to “earn” our worth, other women are opponents, not our allies.
Many women believe that this crazy race to prove our value will end when we cross the finish line. We think that getting a degree, getting married or having awesome children will prove to everyone (including ourselves!) that we are worthy and needed. However, just like in cartoons, when we reach that finish line, feeling out of breath and thirsty, the oasis vanishes and we end up licking the sand. The truth is that there is nothing to prove. The verdict has already been issued: we are God’s beloved daughters! God invites us to the messy journey of healing to set us free from false and limiting beliefs.
What was the best and the worst part of the writing process?
The best part was discovering that I am surrounded by a multitude of supporters and cheerleaders. I am truly blessed by my family and friends. My mom, who used to work as a proof-reader, checked my manuscript and gave me feedback on regular basis. My sisters shared anecdotes and illustrations, and my friends went above and beyond. One of my friends, a video editor, made promotional videos for me, another took pictures, another promoted my book on his website, another organised an online launch celebration… I could go on and on. In a society that tells people to look for themselves, and to push and shove to get to the front of the line, this was such a refreshing experience! My heart is bursting at the seams from all the loved and support I have received. The hardest part was probably how long it took to write.
How long does it take to write a 365-day devotional?
Longer than you think! I started writing the book in March of 2019, but I would have never finished on time if the Covid19 pandemic and other crises hadn’t forced me to stop. In July 2021, I suddenly found myself without a job, and was glad to have a project to focus my attention on. I am not sure I would have coped with all those months of uncertainty and anxiety without that. Now, in retrospect, I can see how God redeemed that season of my life.
That’s a brilliant transformation…
Absolutely! But God upcycled that season of my life without ignoring, invalidating or shaming my emotions. And this is something I talk about in the book, the importance of reclaiming the language of lament. There are more lament psalms in the Bible than praise psalms! Nobody considered prophet Jeremiah or prophet Habakkuk less spiritual because of their prayers of lament. We need to make room for these kinds of emotionally authentic prayers. We need to move away from quickly putting a “Bible verse Band-Aid” on people’s wounds, and instead encourage and celebrate emotional integrity. This is harder and slower, of course, but it is actually through these uncomfortable and raw prayers that much healing can take place.
What is the one lesson you learnt in the process?
To dream big, really big! Sometimes we ask God for a dream size ‘S’ and He goes, “No, darling. You need an ‘XL’ so you can grow into it”. When I started writing this book I thought, “It would be super cool if my book got published throughout South America.” I figured that was a large enough dream! But God handed me an ‘XL’. My book got translated into English and French, and its available in North, South and Central America, the Caribbean islands, and also in Europe. Dreaming small is not being humble, it allowing fear to hold you back. Dream BIG, you cannot out-dream God. You cannot ask too much from the Almighty.
So, there is such thing as “holy ambition”?
Absolutely! One of the most profoundly spiritual things we will ever do is figuring out what we want and mustering the courage to ask God for it. Before healing blind Bartimaeus, Jesus asked him a seemingly unnecessary question: “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51). If Jesus was to ask you the same today, what would you answer?
I think that rather than covering our lack of self-awareness with fake humility, Jesus wants us to know and own our needs and dreams. This means untangling ourselves from other people’s expectations. It means stilling ourselves long enough to breathe and hear our own thoughts. And it means taking risks and making mistakes. All of which feels very uncomfortable and impossible to control! But it is through this messy and risky path that our hearts, fully alive, can bring greater glory to God.
There is nothing remotely spiritual about not dreaming, not asking, or never risking a thing. Being a Christian is not mainly about safety and practicality. Go ahead, dare to dream! God is calling you to an adventure of faith with Him. The journey will involve mistakes and uncertainty, but it is worth embarking on. Go ahead and dream. Trust Him enough to ask for something only God can do.