Vanesa Pizzuto - The Sacred is in the Ordinary

The Sacred Is in the Ordinary

“Can you help me?” my sister asked while holding a bunch of coins in her hand. She wanted to buy a slice of red velvet cake from the market but was not familiar with the UK coins. “I get it, the size doesn’t determine the value… the fifty pence coin is bigger than the one pound coin, but it’s worth less…,” I replied while rummaging through her change trying to get the £1.50 she needed.

“Size does not determine value,” I repeated as I handed her the right pile of coins.

“Like in life,” my sister agreed.

Have you noticed? Life seems to playfully mismatch size and value, like a drunk Cupid, shooting arrows randomly…

Think about the size of the Covid-19 virus, about 0.07 microns (1 micron = 1/1000 millimetre). Or the emotional footprint of a timely hug (or lack thereof). Head lice, kisses, a cat purring on your lap, or a traffic jam on a hot day… all so small, yet so impactful.

The value of your life is not determined by its size. The sacred is in the ordinary. Its embodied, its in the blood, in the clay and in the dough.


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United Kingdom

I am a Latin-American author, broadcaster and storyteller. I began writing poems when I was nine years old, hitting with only two fingers the keys of an old green typing machine. My mom treasured those first poems, as if they were Shakespeare’s manuscripts! As I grew, poems turned into stories, stories into articles, and, eventually, articles into books.